What you’ll learn ?

About This Program
This course is designed to take you from zero to hero, For absolute beginner in programming. This certified training is designed by Industry experts to make students Internship and Job ready.
*Since this program is for absolute beginner hence no pre-requisite of programming is required.

Career Opportunity
*Junior Programmer
*Software Developer
*Game Programmer
*Programming Architect
*C++ Analyst
*Unix Shell Scripting
*Backend Developer
*Embedded Engineer


Introduction – History of C++, Assembler, Compiler, Linker & Loder, Execution Process.

various softwares available, Code-bloks Installation, Online Compilors.

Basic requirements to write a program –  Comments, #include Statement, Printf & Scanf, Displaying Output, reading Input from terminal.

Writing first Program, Datatypes, Data types, Primitive Data types, Variables,

Arithmetic Operators and Expressions, Operator Precedence & Expressions, Program using expression.
Challenges – Area of triangle, Sum of first n natural numbers, finding roots of quadratic equations, calculate distance, calculate simple interest, calculate volume of a cylinder, calculate distance between two points.
Increment & Decrement Operators, Overflow, Bitwise Operators, enum & typedef.
Conditional Statement – if,
Practice Problem : Finding Maximum of 2 Numbers,
Number is Positive or Negative,
Check if Number is Odd or Even.
Conditional statements, Validation, Logical Operators, 
Compound Conditional Statement, Check if Working Hours, 
Chalenges- Check Age of a person, Check if a person is eligible for Offer.
Nested If,
 Finding Maximum of 3 No.,
Nature of Quadratic Roots, Display Grades for Students Marks.
else if Ladder –
Display Day name using else if ladder.
Short Circuit,
Dynamic Declaration, Switch Case,
 Program to Display Day name.
Loops – Iterative Statements,
for Loop, Infinite Loop.
Challenges –
Sum of first N natural number,
Find factors of a number,
Check if a Number is Prime number,
 Display Digits of a Number,
Check if a Number is a Palindrome,
check for Armstrong Number,
Programs using While Loop,
find GDC of 2 numbers.

Introduction to Arrays, Arrays Declarations, challenge – Adding all Elements of Array, Finding Max element from Array,

Linear Search, Binary Search, challenges – Sum of all Elements of Array, Find Maximum element from Array, Find Minimum Element in an Array, Count number of negative and positive numbers in Array.
challenges-Array Programs,
Nested Loops, Drawing Pattern.
challenges – Drawing square, traingle, right angle traingle using *.
patterns using nested loops-
Matrix Operations.

Introduction to Pointers,

Heap Memory Allocation, Dynamic Allocation,
Pointer Arithmetic, Problems using Pointers.

Introduction to Strings, Reading and Writing String, Length , Concatenate and Copy,Substring and Compare,Tokeniser and To Integer.

Class String, functions of class strings,
Append and Insert Functions,
 Replace and Swap Functions,
 Copy and Find Functions,
Substring , Compare and Operators,
Find Length of a String,
Count Vowels and Words in a String, check palindrome.


Introduction to functions, Function for Adding 2 numbers,Function for Finding maximum of 3 numbers, 

Function Overloading,
Function Overloading for Sum of Numbers,
Function Overloading for Min of Numbers,
Function Template for Finding Maximum Number,
Default Arguments,
Pass by Value,
Pass By Address,
Pass by Reference.
Local and Global Variables,
Static Variables,
Recursive Functions,
Function Pointer.

introduction to OOPS, Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Class vs Objects, Writing a Class in C++, Pointer to an Object, Philosophy Behind Data Hiding,Data Hinding in C++ (Accessors and Mutators), Accessors and Mutators.

Constructors, All Types of Functions in a Class,
Scope Resolution,
Inline Functions,
Struct vs Class
Operator Overloading,
Operator Overloading using Friend functions,
Insertion Operator Overloading,

Inheritance with example, Constructors in Inheritance, isA and hasA, Access Specifiers, Types of Inheritance, Ways of Inheritance, Generalization and Specialization.

Base Class Pointer Derived Class Object with examples.
Function Overriding,
Virtual Functions,
Runtime Polymorphism,
Abstract Classes,
Friend Function and Classes,
Static Members,
Static Member Examples,
Inner/Nested Class.

Exception Handling, Exception Handling Construct, Throw and Catch Between Functions, All About Throw & Catch.

Template Functions and Classes
Constant Qualifier, Preprocessor,
Preprocessor Directives,
Virtual Destructor.
Writing in a File,
Reading From a File,
Text and Binary Files,
Why STL, Tupes of Datastructures,
STL Classes,
Map Classes.
Final Keyword,
Lambda Expressions,
Smart Pointers,
InClass Initializer and Delegation of Constructors,

Converting Binary to Octal to hexadecimal.

Big O nortation, Reading declaration, controller OS, Pass by value and refference revise, requirements to write a program, Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Trees

LIFO, FIFO, user applications, array vs stacks, push & pop, applications, reverse.

LIFO, FIFO, user aplications, array vs queus, Insert, Delete, application, reverse.

Infix, Postfix, Prefix, Local variables, psudo code, palindrome, paranthesis, conversion, search operation (null, max, min) [psudo code & c code], reverse, application.

Singly, Doubly, Circular.

array vs Linked list,

node creation, Insert front & rear, Delete

Display, pvg for Insertion, Deletion, Front and rear end.


Doubly Linked List – Insertion front & rear end, delete, display


Implementation to stack, queue

Print middle node, kth node, search multiples, max.


concatenation of linked list,

reverse linked list.

Leaf node, Root node


different trees – ordinary, binary, strictly binary, complete binary, binary search tree, building binary tree.


Tree Traversals – Pre-order, In-order, Post order.

Insert node.

Recursion, Sorting, Searching, BFS+DFS,Dynamic Programming.

  • Introduction to Algorithms, Recursion Introduction,  
  • Stack Overflow, 
  • Anatomy Of Recursion, Exercise: Factorial
  • ,

     Fibonacci, Recursive VS Iterative, Recursive VS Iterative, When To Use Recursion, Exercise: Reverse String With Recursion.

  • Sorting Introduction 
  • The Issue With sort()
  • Sorting Algorithms 
  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Dancing Algorithms
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort and O(n log n)
  • Stable VS Unstable Algorithms
  • Quick Sort
  • Which Sort Is Best?
  • Heap Sort
  • Radix Sort + Counting Sort
  • Searching + Traversal Introduction
  • Linear Search 
  • Binary Search


  • Graph + Tree Traversals

  • BFS Introduction
  • DFS Introduction

  • BFS vs DFS 

  • Resources: BFS vs DFS

  • Exercise: BFS vs DFS
  • Solution: BFS vs DFS 
  • breadthFirstSearch()
  • breadthFirstSearchRecursive()
  • PreOrder, InOrder, PostOrder
  • depthFirstSearch() 
  • Optional Exercise: Validate A BST
  • Graph Traversals
  • BFS in Graphs
  • DFS in Graphs
  • Dijkstra + Bellman-Ford Algorithms
  • Searching + Traversal Review
Dynamic Programming Introduction,
Fibonacci and Dynamic Programming,
Implementing Dynamic Programming

Hash Tables Introduction

Hash Function, Hash Collision, Hash Tables In Different Languages

Exercise: Implement A Hash Table
Solution: Implement A Hash Table, keys()
Hash Tables VS Arrays
First Recurring Character



With what you have gained including experience, get the shot in the arm for your career prospects and interviews with skills and certificates to back your talk and stand tall among others in the crowd.



Our courses are offered at the best rates in the industry that fit perfectly in your budget and offer you the best services.

Self Placed


Pre-enrolment price ₹1000

Mentor Support


Pre-enrolment price ₹1000



Pre-enrolment price ₹1000

Frequently Asked Question

C++ is the one of the top 5 coding languages and 2nd most used language in IT Industry, and also it is the base Backend and gaming Industries.

So, for a begginer who wants to enter IT Industry it is the best choice.

One should know Datastructures and Algorithms to get Internship/Job in any IT company, It is the primary expectation from any company from a Student/Fresher.

The answer is yes, for any student/fresher who wants to start there career in IT industry persuing this begginer program is more than enough to get it into an IT company.

For this program the total fees is Rs.5000 but students know need to pay entire fee at once so, they can book there slot by paying Pre-enrolment amount Rs.1000 to book there slot which included in the main fees, Prior to the commencement of the program our executive will contact you to pay remaing amount Rs.4000 at that time you need to pay the remaining amount.

Pre-recorded: The pre-recorded sessions are hosted on different platforms you will get access to it once the program commence.

Live Sessions: The live sessions are hosted via one of the video conferencing platforms such as ZOOM.US or Webex or Google Meet.