What you’ll learn ?

About This Program
This course is designed to take you from zero to hero, For absolute beginner in programming. This certified training is designed by Industry experts to make students Internship and Job ready.
*Since this program is for absolute beginner hence no pre-requisite of programming is required.

Career Opportunity
*Junior Programmer
*Python Developer
*Research Analyst
*Data Analyst
*Software Developer


Introduction – History of Python, Assembler, Compiler, Linker & Loder, Execution Process.

various softwares available, IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse.

Introduction to Python, first program in python, Printing in Python, challenges- Printing text, Printing the result of a calculation, Strings in Python, The Escape Character,

Variables and Types,
Numeric Data Types in Python,
Numeric Operators,
The str String Data Type,
Negative Indexing in Strings,
Slicing with Negative Numbers,
Using a Step in a Slice,
Slicing Idioms,
String Operators,
String Replacement Fields, String Formatting,
Python 2 String Interpolation,
Introduction to Blocks and Statements,
if Statements,
Using a Debugger in IntelliJ or Pycharm, if, elif, and else in the Debugger, Conditional Operators,
Using and, or, in Conditions,
Simplify Chained Comparison,
Boolean Expression True and False,
in and not in, if challenge,
for loops,Stepping through a for loop,
for loops Extracting Values from User Input,
Extracting capitals,Iterating Over a Range,
Nested for loops, continue, break,
Initialising Variables and None,
while loops, break in while loop,
The Random Module and Import,
Binary Search,
Pass Statement and Complete the Hi Lo Game,
PEP8: The Python Style Guide,
Refactoring Code,
else in a loop,
Conditional Debugging, 
Introduction to Sequence Types,

,Immutable Objects

Mutable Objects,
Binding Multiple Names to a List, Common Sequence Operations,
Operations on Mutable Sequences, Appending to a List, Mini Challenge Solution,
Iterating Over a List,
The enumerate Function
,Improving our Code,

Adding items to list,

Removing Items from a List, Sorting Lists, Built-in Functions,
 Sorting Things, Case-Insensitive Sorting, Creating Lists, Replacing a slice, Deleting Items from a List, Safely removing values from a list, Removing the High Values, Test, Test and Test. Then Test Again!, Testing the Program, Removing Items from a List Backwards, The Reversed Function, Algorithms Performance,Nested Lists & Code Style, Processing Nested Lists, Function Signatures, print revisited, The join Method,The split Method, Tuples, Tuples are Immutable, Unpacking a Tuple, Practical uses for Unpacking Tuples, More Unpacking, Nested Tuples and Lists, Nested Indexing
  • Simple Jukebox – Demonstration

  • Simple Jukebox – Importing Data,, Simple Jukebox – The Code

  • Constants in Python


Defining a function,
Program flow when calling a function,
Parameters and arguments,Debugging with parameters, Pallindromes,
Functions calling functions,
Returning values,
Returning None,
Handling invalid arguments,
Default parameter values,
Keyword arguments,
Writing a fibonacci function,
Function annotations and type hints,
Printing in colour,
Playing Fizz Buzz challenge,
colour_print with multiple arguments,
Defining different parameter types

Dictionary and sets.

Introduction to the Section,

Reading and writing text files, Writing Text Files, Writing Binary Files Manually, Manipulating Data With Shelve,  Manipulating Data With Shelve

Introduction to the Section, Modules and import,

The standard Python library,
WebBrowser Module,
Check Path In Windows, Installing the pytz module,
Introduction to Tkinter
Object Orientated Programming and Classes, Instances, Constructors, Self and more, Class Attributes, Methods,
Implement Revised Load_Data Algorithm,
Write OOP Version,
Getters and Properties,
Getters and Setters,
Data Attributes and Properties,
Alternate Syntax for Properties,
 Subclasses and Overloading, Calling Super Methods, 
Changing Behavior of Methods,
Overriding Methods
Inheritance Challenge
Duck Test

Genarators & Dictionary (adding, changing, removing, iterating) , Lambda expression, comprehensions.


smart fridge, what’s for tea, using ‘in’ with dictionary, using, using several dictionaries together.

installation, Binary basics

Reading declaration, controller OS, Pass by value and refference revise, requirements to write a program, Stacks, Queues, Linked List, Trees

LIFO, FIFO, user applications, array vs stacks, push & pop, applications, reverse.

LIFO, FIFO, user aplications, array vs queus, Insert, Delete, application, reverse.

Infix, Postfix, Prefix, Local variables, psudo code, palindrome, paranthesis, conversion, search operation (null, max, min) [psudo code & c code], reverse, application.

Singly, Doubly, Circular.

array vs Linked list,

node creation, Insert front & rear, Delete

Display, pvg for Insertion, Deletion, Front and rear end.


Doubly Linked List – Insertion front & rear end, delete, display


Implementation to stack, queue

Print middle node, kth node, search multiples, max.


concatenation of linked list,

reverse linked list.

Leaf node, Root node


different trees – ordinary, binary, strictly binary, complete binary, binary search tree, building binary tree.


Tree Traversals – Pre-order, In-order, Post order.

Insert node.

Recursion, Sorting, Searching+BFS+DFS, Dynamic Programming, Hashing

  • Introduction to Algorithms, Recursion Introduction,  
  • Stack Overflow, 
  • Anatomy Of Recursion, Exercise: Factorial,

     Fibonacci, Recursive VS Iterative, Recursive VS Iterative, When To Use Recursion, Exercise: Reverse String With Recursion.

  • Sorting Introduction 
  • The Issue With sort()
  • Sorting Algorithms 
  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Dancing Algorithms
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort and O(n log n)
  • Stable VS Unstable Algorithms
  • Quick Sort
  • Which Sort Is Best?
  • Heap Sort
  • Radix Sort + Counting Sort
  • Searching + Traversal Introduction
  • Linear Search 
  • Binary Search


  • Graph + Tree Traversals

  • BFS Introduction
  • DFS Introduction

  • BFS vs DFS 

  • Resources: BFS vs DFS

  • Exercise: BFS vs DFS
  • Solution: BFS vs DFS 
  • breadthFirstSearch()
  • breadthFirstSearchRecursive()
  • PreOrder, InOrder, PostOrder
  • depthFirstSearch() 
  • Optional Exercise: Validate A BST
  • Graph Traversals
  • BFS in Graphs
  • DFS in Graphs
  • Dijkstra + Bellman-Ford Algorithms
  • Searching + Traversal Review
Dynamic Programming Introduction,
Fibonacci and Dynamic Programming,
Implementing Dynamic Programming

Hash Tables Introduction

Hash Function, Hash Collision, Hash Tables In Different Languages

Exercise: Implement A Hash Table
Solution: Implement A Hash Table, keys()
Hash Tables VS Arrays
First Recurring Character



With what you have gained including experience, get the shot in the arm for your career prospects and interviews with skills and certificates to back your talk and stand tall among others in the crowd.



Our courses are offered at the best rates in the industry that fit perfectly in your budget and offer you the best services.

Self Placed


Pre-enrolment price ₹1000

Mentor Support


Pre-enrolment price ₹1000



Pre-enrolment price ₹1000

Frequently Asked Question

 Python programming language, to be the most promising career in technologies, industry. Opportunities in the career of python are increasing tremendously in the world. Since Python has simple codes, faster readability capacity, significant companies are in demand in python language.

One should know Datastructures and Algorithms to get Internship/Job in any IT company, It is the primary expectation from any company from a Student/Fresher.

The answer is yes, for any student/fresher who wants to start there career in IT industry persuing this begginer program is more than enough to get it into an IT company.

For this program the total fees is Rs.5000 but students know need to pay entire fee at once so, they can book there slot by paying Pre-enrolment amount Rs.1000 to book there slot which included in the main fees, Prior to the commencement of the program our executive will contact you to pay remaing amount Rs.4000 at that time you need to pay the remaining amount.

Pre-recorded: The pre-recorded sessions are hosted on different platforms you will get access to it once the program commence.

Live Sessions: The live sessions are hosted via one of the video conferencing platforms such as ZOOM.US or Webex or Google Meet.